Thursday, March 12, 2015

On a Visit to the Swap Meet

At the beginning of last month, one of my relatives came down to spend the day with me and gave me the option of picking anything I wanted to do. For awhile I had been wanting to go to our local swap meet, which I hadn't been to for about ten years despite being a 15 minute drive away from it, and so we made plans to go and had a blast!   

Most of the things I found weren't vintage, but I was pretty happy with what I did find and was even happier that overall I ended up spending only about $20 total. 

I started out looking at several vendors that were mostly selling clothing, so I ended up with several sweaters and a shirt. I also was delighted to find an Alice in Wonderland tote bag for $3 and a clock (it doesn't work, but the piece on the back can be replaced) with a Margaret Winifred illustration on it. 
After finding the sweaters, I found this great owl necklace (the one on the right) to finish off the the trio on my wall.  
One of the main things I was looking for was sewing supplies and I came home with several bags of buttons at a $1 each (plus one free that a vendor sweetly gave to me after I decided I was only going to buy two bags from him) and four perfectly marvelous vintage belt buckles.
Next is this wonderful little vintage pocket mirror in the shape and style of an envelop. As you can tell, the gold finish is coming off and when I got it home the upper mirror popped out (and was promptly reattached with a decent amount of glue). 

The vendor where I found the Alice clock was one of the only ones where I saw vintage clothes and while most of the pile I dug through was 60's/70's polyester items, I did manage to find this wrap top I really liked, though. The button loops had fallen off, but were miraculously still looped around the buttons and are now awaiting reattachment!   
Finally, at the same vendor one of the tables had a little pile of small paper items among which were these Alice's Adventures in Wonderland cut-outs.
Also, along with them was this bizarre photo of a skeleton driving a car (a warning not to drive too fast, hehe). This was one of those things that you pick up, put back down, and then pick up again because it's just too weird not to get.
Even the King of Hearts is shocked!
Overall, it was a lovely day spent with my relative and I was glad that I finally was able to go to the swap meet. Next time there will not be ten years between visiting it again!


  1. Yay!!! Ever since you told me about them, I've been secretly hoping that you'd post about your awesome swap meet finds. That is the motherload of buttons and buckles for sure! Wow! They're really pretty, very usual ones too, which just makes them all the more fabulous.

    That wrap top is so pretty! One could style it in outfits spanning Edwardian summer looks right on up to modern styles. Light blue is my colour of the moment and that makes me adore this shirt all the more! :)

    You really did find some stellar bargains and items, sweet dear. Way to go! I hope that each subsequent trip to the swap meet is every bit as forthcoming with great deals and pieces for you.

    Tons of hugs & happy Friday wishes,
    ♥ Jessica

    *PS* Thank you very much for your splendidly nice comment on this week's outfit post. The taxes really took the wind out my sails, but I am trying to rest more than usual and hope to be back to my usual self energy wise soon.

    1. I had meant to mention that I had hoped to be doing a post on them soon. :)

      I think the buckles would count as my completely unexpected (for some reason I never thought to look for them even though I'm always wishing I had more of the plastic ones), but perfectly elated to have found them find of the day.

      And as for the wrap top, that was one of the things I loved so much about it! I figured it would be perfect for styling with a number of time periods and I look forward to seeing how many I can make it work for.

  2. Wow, what a nice haul to come back from and only $20, what a deal. We don't have anything remotely like this near us in the Haute. :-/ We're a rather drab city I'm afraid,


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