Sunday, January 22, 2012

On Emptying Crumbs From The Toaster

There comes a time in every toaster owner’s life when they will find that their toaster is in need of a crumb emptying. For some, this time will come sooner, and, for others later, dependent on how often the toaster is used, the degree of crumbliness of the food item having been toasted, and how often things come out burnt.

The task itself, while seemingly simple, can be accompanied by many difficulties and should not be attempted by those with a weak constitution. To begin with, the effortless unplugging of the toaster leads the emptier to believe that they are in control. However, the toaster has other plans to try to thwart this innocent being! One finds that the cord has suddenly become a snake, coiling in the most annoying fashion around whatever object it can catch hold. A quick yank is found to do no good other than forming a distinct tangle that looks as though it will never come undone. And upon staring at said tangle, the discovery that somehow other kitchen appliance cords have become ensnared with the toaster cord is made. Placing the toaster back on the counter, the individual proceeds with great care to separate the correct cord.

While engaged in the untangling of the cord, the individual with pets will have gained an audience who is most intent on finding out what is going on, so intent, in fact, that they stand right where the individual who has finally untangled the cord is going to step. At this point the individual quickly learns the skill of juggling while trying not to step on the excited pet who thinks it all a game and great fun to bat at the cord or to try get at the toaster. For the individual lacking in pets or who is an owner of a pet who is uninterested in such curious happenings, objects such a broom, a misplaced skate, or some other item that is not supposed to be there, will result in a similar experience. In either case, after completing their balancing act and getting the pet(s) under control the individual lets out a sigh of relief upon finally reaching the sink.

Feeling rather proud of themselves, the individual going to turn the toaster upside down or opening the bottom catch to empty the crumbs finds that there are now very few to empty contrary to the amount at the start of the ordeal. Upon turning to put the toaster back in its designated place, the individual finds that they have left a trail of crumbs that would have made Hansel and Gretel proud. Of course, this now leads to the need for a broom or vacuum, but the task they set out to complete has been accomplished.    

1 comment:

  1. Never underestimate the power of crumbsApril 1, 2012 at 1:31 PM

    Aha, now you will discover a worse plight than you could imagine. Upon learning the day before ((that from 9 up to as many 15 guests might attend my dinner party,)) that I was not going to have time to clean my home. This would equal an unfit home to my two "cleanie" daughter-in-laws who were definitely coming over. So I quickly phoned a friend in need of earnings in order to avoid this potential reaction from my in-laws. I quickly made out a what I thought was a fully adequate to-do-list for my rescuer. Only too late did I find the visible sloppy drippings on the cupboard doors were not thought important to my rescuer helper, but she had taken time INSTEAD to clear the invisible-to-the eyes-of-all crumbs in the bottom of the toaster. A few days later she told me "Well, you never know when they could start a fire."


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