Friday, December 28, 2012

On My After Christmas Thrifting

In the days following Christmas, I generally have no urge to leave the house, preferring instead to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the after Christmas shoppers. Yesterday, however, I decided to venture to the thrift store with the intention of buying a vintage belt I had looked at a few weeks ago if they still had it. Fortunately, the belt was still there and, in addition to it, I managed to find a few other things.

With its delicate leaves and dainty pearl center this pretty flower pin caught my eye! Pictured alongside it is my newly acquired belt with the cute flower on the buckle.

I remembered having seen these darling mittens last year, but decided not to buy them.  This year, though, I just couldn’t pass up on them, especially with the half-off price of $1.50!
I also found some lovely Christmas time magazines from 1959, ’60, ’65, and ’66, which were also half-off. I predict there will be sheep sewing in the coming year. :)


And finally, my impractical purchase, which based on the ILGWU label, was made between 1975 and 1995 (the sleeves reminded me of something Myrna Loy would wear despite the fact that it’s completely the wrong decade). It needs a bit of repair on some of the seams, but overall it's in great condition. Now if only I had someplace to wear it…

And there you have it, the results of my after Christmas shopping! I hope all of you who went out had just as much success!

1 comment:

  1. Oh what wonderful new treasures! Those mitts in particular are so completely charming, there's no way I could have passed them up either (especially at that terrific price).

    I'm not usually keen on post-Xmas shopping either, but am with you in that, if there's anything that could get me eager to do so right after Christmas, it's thrifting and/or vintage shopping. So happy you had good luck on your latest thrifting adventure!

    Happiest New Year's wishes, dear lady! May your year ahead abound with joy, positive health, fun, and countless reasons to smile.

    ♥ Jessica


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