Tuesday, August 4, 2015

On Fox Hapiness: A Photo Post

My new socks with foxes wearing sockses! Yay!

And for when I have time again, fabric with foxes in fedoras to be made into the skirt of a sleeveless shirtwaist dress. 

You've now reached the end of the rhyming and alliterative Photo Post...which is itself an alliteration.


  1. Too cute for words! Foxes are one of my favourite animals ever! I absolutely adore both of these fox themed acquisitions. May I ask, where did you get the socks from? I'd love to try and get my hands on a pair, too, if such were possible.

    Big hugs,
    ♥ Jessica

    1. I found them on Sock Dreams (sockdreams.com), which has pretty much been my go to for novelty socks over the past three years since they have a such an array. I'm pretty sure they ship to Canada, so hopefully you'll be able to get a pair!

    2. Awesome!!! Thank you, I will check them out right now. I've heard of that site before, but have never bought from them.

      I hope you're doing well and having a great week, my dear friend.

      Big hugs,
      ♥ Jessica

  2. These are so freakin' adorable. Especially the foxes wearing fedoras. Love!

    1. On occasion I just go head over heels for fox things and lately the foxes in clothes are getting me. :p


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