Saturday, September 12, 2015

On Two Postcards: A Photo Post

While not generally one to intentionally seek out vintage postcards, I recently bought three of them, two, being what I think are Scandinavian, which I'll be sharing with you today. 

This one I'm referring to as the zombie lady postcard as the woman looks as though she's ready to turn and eat the man. 

Unfortunately, this one must have been firmly glued in an album at one point and the only thing visible through the ripping on the back is the name of the recipient and the postmark of 1908. 

The second one, which I didn't even notice when I bought it, is also addressed to "Frigga."
From what I can figure out it offers wishes for a happy Christmas and New Year.

♥ ♥ ♥


  1. He doesn't seem to mind that she wants to gobble him up! He seems to be pretty welcoming to the idea. That's true love right there. haha

    1. Him: "Darling, shall we dine?"
      Her: "Why, yes! I could eat you right up, my love."

  2. Tee-hee-hee, she really does have a zombie vibe going on it the first one. :)

    Wonderful finds!!! I adore vintage post cards (and greeting cards) from any era. There was so much beauty, whimsy and sometimes even quirkiness in most of them. Now one rarely sees that with modern postcards, which tend to just be photos or illustrated maps of places.

    Big hugs,
    ♥ Jessica

    1. I have to admit to buying it just because she looked so weird. :) They did used to be much more artsy and often have that novelty appeal to them, that as you pointed out, we really don't have anymore. It's really too bad, as I think it'd be much more fun to receive a unique or silly postcard than one with a photo of wherever the sender has been.


Happy to hear what you think...