Friday, August 5, 2016

On A Purple-y Post

I've been having a rather purple-ish past few weeks and they've been pleasant purple things at that. You should now prepare yourself for the excessive use of the word purple...

First is the purple "Alice in Wonderland" record album! About two years ago, I thought I was ordering this album with the purple cover. I ended up with a completely different cover that was red, it was musty, and the silverfish rapidly attacked one corner of it. Finding this one was very exciting and it's in pristine condition in every way.


(I'm pretty sure the day I received it in the mail, I was wearing a pair of purple shorts and a purple Harold and the Purple Crayon t-shirt...told you it's been a purple-y few weeks.)

The second purple item is this delightful 70's dress I found on Etsy. I realized most of my true vintage garments are better suited to wear in late fall, winter, or early spring based on either style or fabric type and went looking for some sundresses. This one fits me perfectly, I love the print, and it's my first vintage dress that has elastic in the waistband that doesn't need replacing
Excuse the wrinkles. It's living in its envelop until I can wash it and get the smoke smell out.

The next item while not purple, came in a purple mail envelop and is therefore worth sharing among the purple things. I now need to work on making a pair of high-waisted red or blue shorts/pants.

And finally, the one purple item that didn't come in the mail is this 60's/70's dress that belonged to my grandma. At one point it was packed up and put in our garage with thoughts that I'd reuse the fabric for something else...I never actually really looked at it, though. Needless to say that when I pulled it out recently and saw the tag, I was abhorred with myself for not paying attention to what I had and for having thoughts of repurposing it. I look forward to getting it cleaned and putting it with my grandma's other vintage Hawaiian dress in my closet.

And this concludes the purple based post that I've written while wearing my purple pajamas, that I've posted on my blog with the purple background, with photos I took using my purple camera...just in case you were wondering, you've seen the word purple 20 times in this post including the title. :p

♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Oh my stars, your nautical print top is eye-poppingly (cartoon character style, that is) magnificent. What an awesome, awesome find and addition to your closet. Colour me smitten! :)

    xoxo ♥ Jessica

    1. I wasn't even looking for blouses when I found it, so that made it all the better.

      Thank you for both your lovely comments today!


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