Thursday, November 19, 2020

On Owl Joins the Hundred Acre Wood Group!

The foot and eye pieces kept falling out of my sewing box, so my sewing project of last week was finishing up Owl (or as he spells it Wol)!

I made few adjustments to this pattern, choosing to change out colors, skipping the cardboard glued to the feet pieces (I just stitched two layers of felt together), and putting the underwing piece atop the main wing piece. I thought about cutting out an additional piece to put under, which in hindsight might have looked a little better for if I position the wings up. However, that can always be done later and when I think of the Shepard illustrations, I think of the ones where Owl has his wings to his side anyway.

I'm guessing this will be the last of my Hundred Acre sewing for awhile, as I have quite a few other tiny sewing projects lined up, but who knows maybe Winnie-the-Pooh or Kanga and Roo will still be putting in an appearance before the year is out!

♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Aww! Wol is absolutely precious. What a sweet, gentle face he has. You just know he'd be a good friend to all those lucky enough to know him the Hundred Acre Wood.

    Autumn Zenith 🎃 Witchcrafted Life

  2. Thank you! I used a softer felt for the "eye feathers", which really made him look a whole lot sweeter, I think. :)


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