Thursday, May 24, 2012

On Today's Vintage Shopping Adventure

We now interrupt this blog’s regular style of writing for a brief account of my visit to an antique shop…

Today I visited a lovely vintage shop where, in addition to getting to see a great deal of really neat antiques, I made some wonderful vintage sewing finds, which I’m quite excited about! The place I went to had things crammed in absolutely everywhere, so both items I found took quite a bit of digging, but they were definitely worth the search.

The first thing I found was a book called Cutting Out & Making Up of Garments (formerly entitled Cutting Out For Student Teachers according to the front inside cover) written by Amy K. Smith.  It was located in a back corner, underneath a mannequin (wearing a rather annoying outfit that kept getting in the way, I might add), in a large bucket of sewing supplies,  behind what I believe was pedestal-stand candy dish filled with bias tape and various rick-rack, and several 1960’s patterns. And how, one might ask, did I notice it underneath and behind all these things? By seeing the cute little heart on the top corner sticking out and having to know what book it belonged to!
Isn't it pretty?
It was printed in London and covers all manners of things such as knickerbockers, pinafores, and sleeping suits, so I shall now feel quite prepared should I ever happen to make any of these.

The second thing I found after rummaging about in a trunk containing a variety of table cloths, scarves, and linens was a small bundle of fabric scraps. I spotted the blue flowered and pink striped piece and for some reason instantly fell in love with it. My first thought was that it would be perfect for curtains, but as I don’t have a small window to make curtains for, I might just make a bag out of it.
My three pretty fabrics

All in all, it was a fun shopping excursion and I will definitely be going back again to look for more treasures!

And now back to the regular blogging style…please stay tuned for the next blog post on ladybirds!

1 comment:

  1. All three of those fabrics are so wonderfully pretty. I could all of them working beautifully for anything from a tablecloth to a dress, a bedspread to a summer playsuit. I hope you'll share with us what you create with them in the future, sweet gal.

    ♥ Jessica


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