Friday, June 22, 2012

On Ladybirds

Ladybirds, or as they known in the U.S., ladybugs, are a marvelous little insect that can do a world of good for one’s garden. An abundance of aphids munching away on your plants, for example, can be easily got rid of with an introduction of some lucky ladybirds who will then happily much away on them. On the less practical side, as a child it can be rather fun to go ladybird hunting to see just how many of them you can find hiding in the grass or on plants. This not only presents something amusing to do outdoors, but allows the nervous child to see that not all insects are icky and out to get you.  

In addition, they also make a wonderful subject for a nursery rhyme. However, in this case, one is left to wonder what reason a ladybird would have for a pudding or frying pan and, in the event of a fire, why the smallest of their children would chose to hide under one instead of fleeing. Aside from this, though, these glossy red and black insects are a favorite of many and will continue to be for a long time yet.   

1 comment:

  1. I've never been overly comfy-cozy when it comes to insects (especially spiders), but (no doubt because they're so cute) even as a youngster I had no problem with letting the many ladybugs that lived in the evergreen shrubs in our yard wander onto my hands, if they so pleased. I think they're darling little creatures and enjoy seeing both the real thing and their image depicted in art, jewelry, etc.

    Many sweet thanks for your lovely blog comment - I hope that you're having a gorgeous week.

    ♥ Jessica


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