Sunday, May 26, 2013

On Searching For a Missing Shoe

Every once in awhile it seems as though a shoe escapes from a pair and when this happens one has to do a bit of searching to relocate it.

First one pokes about a bit under the bed with their foot hoping it really hasn’t removed itself all that far from the edge. Finding nothing, a false resignation sets in that one is mistaken and that perhaps the shoe really was not under the bed with its match, but is for some reason in another part of the house. After searching the entire house and failing to find it, one must admit that it indeed must be under the bed.

Upon this conclusion, one finds oneself down on hands and knees looking beneath the bed with a flashlight, revealing the shoe to have mysteriously made its way to a spot more than a bit out of a range easily reachable. While a broom handle could easily remedy the situation, the decision is made that a gallant effort to reach the shoe without it is in order first!

Lying on the floor and stretching one’s arm past the other shoes and the various odds and ends which have gathered over time, it becomes apparent that one’s arms are not quite so long as one believes them to be. From here a steady and careful process of inching forward occurs in great effort to grab the shoe, in addition to avoiding the embarrassing situation of becoming trapped under the bed. After what seems to be an infinite amount time passing, the shoe is at last reached and one reverses the inching process.

Finally, with shoe in hand, one emerges covered in dust bunnies, but is successful none-the-less. Now, if only one were able to find where the first shoe now is.


  1. Ohhh, isn't this so completely irksome! It always baffles me when this happens, especially because I do not (and have't previously) lived in big homes or moreover had big, cavernous closets where a shoe would seem likely to disappear. As our cat doesn't steal large items, and we didn't have a dog until this past March, I really don't know where these MIA shoes vanish to - perhaps they run off with all those socks that go missing in the wash! :)

    ♥ Jessica

    1. Haha, maybe they do run off with the missing socks! :)


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