Thursday, August 29, 2013

On Having a Nice Day

Sometimes having a nice day is hard. Nothing seems to go right, appointments have to be kept when one would rather be doing something else, the weather is less than enjoyable, or one just doesn’t feel up to doing anything. Tired and crankiness set in and one begins to feel like this:

Not normally having a fondness for vampires, this no longer sticky sticker
appeals to me enough that I keep it atop my dresser  
In some cases, of course, all it takes to make everything cheerier is to read a favorite poem or book, listen to a particular song, or watch a movie. Whereas other days it can be a bit more challenging and it seems like nothing will improve anything other than getting a good night sleep.

Then there are days that start out nice and continue on in that way from start to finish. Everything goes right, one hears from an old friend, or is surprised in some way, and those sorts of days are very nice indeed!


  1. Excellently said, sweet gal. I really hope you've been having far more of the latter lately. Isn't it amazing sometimes what a good night's sleep can wash away? I swear, I was just thinking about that earlier this week. At times one thinks to themselves that it might be handy if we (as a species) didn't have to sleep (just think what you could accomplish during those hours of downtime), but then how would we have the magic reset button that sleep can sometimes act as? Much as those additional hours would be handy, I don't think I'd give up sleep if it meant losing the ability for "all to be right" (or at least a bit better) come the break of dawn.

    Lovely review, my dear, thank you for the introduction to this I am very prone to liking books set in the rambling, idyllic English countryside as well, in no small part because I will have harbor the belief that I was secretly meant to be born into an old money British family and live in just such a charming place. :)

    ♥ Jessica

    1. Sleep can definitely work wonders. I too have thought on occasion that having those additional hours would be marvelous, but I think I'd have to agree with you that I'd be hard pressed to give up sleep for them. :)


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