Friday, February 28, 2014

On Why I Love a Rainy Day

I love rainy days for all sorts of reasons.

If you don’t have to go out, they are great for curling up with a book and getting lost in another world accompanied by the pitter-pattering outside the window. Or for watching that movie (or two) you’ve been meaning to watch, but hadn’t had the time for.

If you absolutely adore rain coats, it’s nice to have an opportunity to wear them while it’s actually raining, as opposed to just wearing them with the excuse of because it just looks like it might. Umbrellas are also marvelous whether for keeping the rain off or for twirling about with (like Gene Kelly in Singin’ In the Rain :)).

If it’s not a gusty, gale of a rain shower, it’s fun to go on a walk and do some puddle splashing…and of course, this means another occasion to wear that raincoat and twirl that umbrella.

There’s also the wonderful fresh smell that follows a good rain. It’s a smell that compares with no other and makes the world seem a little bit better and certainly cleaner. And with it there’s always a likelihood of a beautiful rainbow.

Yes, there are all sorts of reasons I love a rainy day.


  1. Rain is a perpetually favourite of mine as well. From the sound (so peaceful - nothing puts me to sleep more quickly) to the scent, it's always been something that has brought me joy (in no small part, I'm sure, because I was born in the Vancouver area, which is amongst the wettest in all of Canada, so I really grew up with the rain).

    I'm looking forward to the first showers of spring and finally saying good bye to the mountain of snow we got this winter.

    Tons of hugs & happy start of March wishes!
    ♥ Jessica

    1. Rain does have such a soothing sound, I really enjoy when I can fall asleep to the sound of it as well. :)

      A happy beginning of March to you too!

  2. Once, I was told there's nothing nice or fun about rain.
    I'd like THAT person to read this - or at lest to see me on the rain. There's an essential need for rain (especially where I live; since most of us live out of land). Rain rejoices us; it's a sign of re-emerging life.. and, boy it can be fun after couple of hot summer days.. it comes as a breather.

    I haven't introduced myself (how rude of me)
    Hello; I'm Marija, nice to "meet" you.

    1. Hi Marija, nice to meet you too, thank you so much for stopping by! :D

      Shame on that person for saying so! I'll admit there can be bad things about it (especially when there's a lot of it, which might lead to damage), but that are so many good things as well. I definitely agree with you, after a stretch on hot summer days, there's nothing quite like a rain storm.

  3. I too love a good rain, and a little rumble, but only during the day, and I love rain especially at night. If I didn't have to take out two dogs every two to three hours in a day I'd love rainy days all the more. But I don't have a proper rain coat and hat. :-(

    1. I love waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of rain, it's comforting to know that it can be so cozy inside while it's so wet outside. Sometimes having to go out in the rain can put a damper on loving it as much, but it's certainly better than the alternative of not taking the dogs out. ;)


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