Friday, February 20, 2015

On a Bright Spot for Today

This has been one of those weeks where things seem to be somewhat off, ranging from feeling rushed to get places, being unable to find matching socks (my drawer must be eating them), and someone taking some of the heart decorations at work, among other things.  

Today, though, there was a bright spot when I found this darling children's book from 1962, Ladybug Hitch Hikes Home, appropriately part of the Sunny Book collection.
It's a delightfully simple book. Mrs. Ladybug decides to go on a walk, beginning with walking over a cabbage. From there she climbs to the top of a pussy-willow tree, which is so soft she falls asleep and, unfortunately, as she's sleeping a storm starts. 
Frightened by the storm, Mrs. Ladybug starts asking every passing bug and insect to take her home. After asking a bee, a grasshopper, and a butterfly, who all turn her down for varying reasons, a measuring worm offers to do so.
The moral of this illustration: hitchhiking can be scary.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Ladybug is unable to bear going up and down, up and down, so she is still stuck in the pussy-willow tree. Uncle Beetle and Mrs. Spider try to make a net for her to jump into, but that fails because it's windy and Uncle Beetle looses his hat. Meanwhile, while all this has been going on Mrs. Snail has been making her way towards Mrs. Ladybug and it is she who saves the day!
In my opinion, charming from beginning to end, both in story and illustrations! And while I would have been happy finding this book at any time, I have to say that finding it today it was very much needed and all the more appreciated!    


  1. Hey Inky, I nominated you for the Profoundly Loved Blog party! :)

    1. Thank you! I'll hop on over to your blog so I can participate!

  2. That is so fabulously charming! I love children's books, new and vintage alike. They are often gorgeously illustrated and very well written, too. I keep thinking I should start a collection of my own, but haven't yet (save for the teeny few I miraculously - given the many moves I've had over the years - that I still have from my own childhood). I think I'm going to start looking for vintage ones more often when thrifting this year and beyond.

    Big hugs coming your way,
    ♥ Jessica


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