Thursday, February 12, 2015

On An Atomically Awesome Circle Skirt!

Or…as I’ll probably be referring to it as, the Jay Ward skirt (since it reminds of the cartoon clouds when someone crashes into something).
First off let me say, I love, love, LOVE this print! As far as I'm concerned I couldn't have found a more perfect 50's style fabric and while it's definitely thinner than the fabric I usually buy, I love that I'll be able to wear it in the warmer months and the cooler months with layering. And just as good, it happened to be a perfect match for a blouse that I thrifted awhile back! 
That being said, this is the same circle skirt pattern as the outfit I shared last month (no problems making this one!).

I decided to use the scalloped waist I had drafted for my cherry skirt. I think this waist style is actually better if it’s in a solid color or a print that is not quite as busy, but as I didn’t have an issues when putting this skirt together and it fits well, I have no complaints about it.
Even had a vintage button to match!
When I found this fabric I noticed that there were two other fabrics that went with it, so one I bought a couple yards to quite possibly to make a dress, and I bought a yard of the other to make a bag. While I'm still contemplating the dress idea, the bag I went to work on right away. I used it the day I wore the skirt, but it isn't quite finished yet as I still want to add a flap (envelop style) and after using it for a day I know that I really need to do this if I don’t want to sides pulling open too much. Hopefully, I’ll be doing a post to show you the finished bag in the near future and explain all the details!



  1. That is a beautiful print, Inky!! I love all your creations. And the bag looks cute with your outfit as well.

    1. Thank you! It's so rare for me to find matching fabric sets that I actually like (usually I find some cute simple pattern print, like polka-dots, that goes with something awful), so I was really excited to find three that went together. I can't wait to share the third one too!

  2. That print is absolutely fantastic! It's as mid-century as can be and even reminds me quite a bit of the fun background design that you're currently using here on your blog. Fabulous creation - circle skirts look so great on you, honey!

    Happy Tuesday wishes,
    ♥ Jessica

    1. The more I look at it, the more I think it's probably my favorite print that actually carries the look of a specific time period (plus my love of atomic stars has really taken off over the past year). Thank you!


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