Monday, December 12, 2016

On Putz House Making

Being fairly tired I decided it'd be better to do a non-sewing project today, so I made a new Putz style house to add to my collection of houses made off the patterns on Retro Renovation. With the patterns being somewhat large for my liking and storage space, I reduced the size by half to get the perfect mini size. 

This year I made their storybook ranch version, with the addition of a chimney adapted from the Cape Cod pattern (the blue and white one below) and without the dove cote or trim along the front. I also added a fence, made from the conveniently red cracker box I used for the whole thing. The tree is one of the larger bottle brush ones with seedbeads glued on for ornaments.

I really like this version since it actually looks like some of the houses in my neighborhood!

Here are some pictures of a few others I've made from Retro Renovation patterns (plus one that was my grandma's). I'm realizing that for some reason I seem to be missing pictures of at least two of them!

Anyone else doing any Christmas crafting?


  1. I missed out on all kinds of cool posts!! When Blogger changed the home page my reading list wasn't what came up first and I never remember to go to it :/ I've been wanting to make these too.

    1. I'll join you in missing things, with the new format I didn't realize you had commented!

      They're fun to make, although if you adjust them to be smaller cutting out the windows can be a pain.


Happy to hear what you think...