Sunday, July 29, 2018

On Bookbinding (Round 3): A Photo Post

Well, I guess this month I will only be sharing bookbinding photos and the usual book review post. 

This is my last set of books for my book binding class. 

First is a sewn board binding book with pics of what it looked like inside after sewing it (linking stitch and kettle knot at end), once the Japanese tissue was put on it, and then the final product once the spine cloth and cover paper were wrapped around everything (three layers inside that cover) and the endsheets were glued down. I'm not confident that I did the spine part right, since it seems to extend past the text block too far, but I followed the measurements in the instructions and once it was glued there was nothing I could do about it. 

Next is my final project, which is a tunnel book I have entitled "The Sewing Room". I went way overboard on it, but am pretty happy with the results. All the images, aside from the pattern pictures and fabric swatches, are pictures of my actual sewing supplies and notions. :)

♥️ ♥️ ♥️


  1. Love your sewing tunnel!! I could look at vintage patterns all day ❤️

    1. I thought I'd be sick of looking at them by the end of the project, but it just made me wish I had more time to sew right now, haha!


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