Sunday, August 30, 2020

On "Mud Pies and Other Recipes": A Book Review

Another month of trying to get a book review for a Dumas book posted and once again deciding to go with something happier...

Title: Mud Pies and Other Recipes

Author: Marjorie Winslow
Genre: Children's, Cookbook

About the Book...
A collection of recipes for dolls with contents including Appetizers, Soups, Salads and Sandwiches; Main Dishes; Pasteries and Desserts; Beverages; and Suggested Menus. First published in 1961.

What I Think...
This is one of the nicest cookbooks for imaginary dishes I've ever come across! It's written as seriously as any real cookbook, never taking on a tone of being overly cutesy or talking down to the reader. Most of the dishes are very simplistic and perfect for the beginner doll chef allowing them to explore what might be available to them in their yard and around the house. I feel like Winslow presents the reader with an opportunity to use their imagination to build on the recipes as well, which in my opinion is always a plus when it comes to children's books. 

The illustrations by Eric Blegvad, whom I adore, are perfectly suited to the content and, from a contemporary perspective, add to the nostalgic charm of the book. 

And, for some reason, I am tickled pink that most of these are recipes that humans would avoid eating!

To Sum it All Up...
An utterly delightful trip into the imaginary world of cooking and happy days of holding parties for toys!


  1. What a heartwarmingly sweet, beautiful book. It feels all the more fitting to read and review while summer, and garden promoting sunshine it houses, is still with us for a wee bit longer.

    Autumn Zenith 🎃 Witchcrafted Life

    1. It really is one of those tiny breath of fresh air sort of books!

      I very much agree, I think if I hadn't posted my review of it this month it probably would have been sitting as a draft until next spring. :p


Happy to hear what you think...