Sunday, December 19, 2021

On Gunter Meets Pudding: A Photo Post

 Gunter--Pudding; Pudding--Gunter. Remove the Pudding!

A random and spur of the moment project that ended up being perfect for my tired, unfocused brain as aside from size (pieces were cut free hand) and color of the holly leaves, there are very few choices to make when it comes to how a classic pudding looks. Gunter approves of the pudding!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I think you guys are going to be in for a set of Gunter posts within the next year...

  2. Too cute for words! I adore classic Christmas pudding. When I was growing up, my paternal grandma made one most years (complete with hard sauce) and I've never lost my fondness for this traditional festive season treat.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life

    1. What a lovely tradition! I have never actually tried Christmas pudding, though it is a dish I'd be more that excited to try given the opportunity!


Happy to hear what you think...