Sunday, July 31, 2022

On "Summer at Tiffany": A Book Review

Title: Summer at Tiffany
Author: Marjorie Hart
Genre: Non-Fiction, Memoir

About the book...
During the summer of 1945 Marjorie Jacobson and her friend Marty Garrett head to New York City to find work as shop girls and live there for a few months before returning to the University of Iowa in the fall. Recounting her experiences, readers get a taste of what it was like to be young and in New York for the first time. 

What I think...
Reading this was like taking a mini vacation to 1945 New York.  The way this book was written, you can tell this time in Hart's life was one that she truly treasures and results in a very sweet autobiography.

I found it fascinating to learn more about Tiffany and how the store functioned at the time. Marjorie and Marty were the first women on the floor as pages putting them in uncharted territory and resulting in some rather amusing mishaps. Hart shares several fun stories about things that happened to her and some of the famous people she encountered, my favorite (and according to the book, a favorite of her family) being about opening a box she was taking to a different department in the elevator, loose pearls going everywhere, and an up and down mad scramble to collect them before they fell through the gap between the door and the floor.

While the book doesn't focus on it being war time, there is a thread running through it with recollections and memories of VJ day being included along with adventures they had going out with the midshipmen, which were interesting and fun to read. 

As a lovely accompaniment to the text, there are glossy page inserts of photos and store sketches!

To sum it all up...
A short biography, that's perfect for history lovers and a nice read for a summer's day!


  1. Finished reading this book last night. It sounded like one I’d enjoy when I saw this post. I’m so glad you wrote about it! It was a cute little book. Have you read “Slacks and Callouses” by Constance Reid? It’s similar to this, except they’re two school teachers who get a summer job at an bomber factory during the war. And it’s illustrated by the art teacher. I highly recommend it. They have such a fun sense of humor as well.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I haven't read "Slacks and Callouses", but it sounds great.I will definitely add to my to read list!


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