Tuesday, June 23, 2015

On Making Room for Crosby and Clooney: A Photo Post

Clearing out some record albums this week, which can be difficult when one of your relatives was a secretary for a record company in the 60's and had lots of promotional ones (hence, an unusual assortment that merits listening to). So far two out of the five I listened to are going...now I have room for this Crosby and Clooney one I bought a few weeks ago!

♥ ♥ ♥


  1. It's so cool that your relative worked for a record company and that you still have some of the records they got. Love that! Anything Crosby and Clooney sings is a big hit with me. They're two of my favourite voices ever (plus, know now, White Christmas! :)).

    Have a great tail end of the week, sweet gal!
    ♥ Jessica

    1. Most of them are instrumental with a few exceptions, so I don't listen to them as often as others I have, but I love that they still have the labels that say not for resale on them. They're definitely two of the best for their time, whether on their own or together!

  2. How cool. I wish our record player still worked. There's something special about the sound of vinyl records playing.

    1. It is indeed a lovely sound. :) We went through a few years of not having one that worked when I was about 11 or 12 and I was so excited when finally got a new one.


Happy to hear what you think...