Saturday, April 25, 2020

On Things to Do While You're at Home: Sew and Sow

In my case, this involves radishes!

Felt ones for wearing...

...and real ones for eating! I ordered a variety pack of radish seeds, so it will be interesting to find out what I planted!

♥️ ♥️ ♥️


  1. These are sooo fabulously cute, fun and springtime-y. I really like radishes as well. My paternal grandparents grew copious amounts of them in their garden when I was growing up and so I strongly associate this crisp, peppery, refreshing veggie with my youth and my grandma's cooking alike.

    Your handmade version are all kinds of delightful and have the added perk of being in season all year through. :)

    Autumn Zenith 🎃 Witchcrafted Life

    *PS* It means an incredible amount to me that you visited my blog and commented on my latest project share there. Thank you deeply, my dear friend.

  2. Thank you! They've always been one of my favorite vegetables to grow, so I thought it was about time to make some felt ones to adorn myself with!


Happy to hear what you think...