Friday, May 15, 2020

On Things to Do While You're At Home: Make Tiny Books

Inspired by the British Library's Discovering Children's Books project and their very cool request for children in Britain to submit their pictures of their own tiny books on Twitter, I decided to finally make an attempt the miniature stick binding toothpick book from Making Handmade Books by Alisa Golden.

These books are made up of eight pieces of paper folded in half with a small paper square glued inside for extra support. The spine is punched through and before gluing the paper shut, a cut pointless toothpick is placed in each fold. Thread is then placed through the holes and knotted around each toothpick to connect all the pages together.  The Tiny Sewing Notions! book is somewhat of a continuation of the tunnel book I made in 2018 and The Insomniac Stars is just me being silly. 

In an experimental mood, I also thought I'd try something different today and present these books in the form of videos!

♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Thank you! More to come within the next few weeks probably!

  2. How fabulously cute, charming and creative! Naturally, my mind instantly thought of the many scrapbooking uses for wee books like this and now the ol' creative gears are going a mile a minute. Thank you very much for sharing this terrific idea. Love the video tutorial approach!

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life

    1. Glad to have brought some inspiration! I have a feeling that if I did scrapbooking my pages would be filled with pop-up book elements and have some very interesting bindings.


Happy to hear what you think...